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The Mountains of Madness

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The Mountains of Madness Empty The Mountains of Madness

Message par VinceFX Ven 30 Juil 2010 - 13:58

En esperant que cela se fasse vraiment, cela donne vraiment envie Wink

The Mountains of Madness Mtn_article

Voici la news sur DarkHorizons:

I'll try to put this into an expression you can easily understand - "OOOOH GOD YESSSSSS!".

Guillermo del Toro is set to direct and James Cameron is negotiating to produce a 3D adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness" reports Deadline.

The atmospheric 1931 story follows explorers in Antarctica who uncover the remains of highly evolved creatures neither plant or animal. Investigating a gigantic mountain range, they come upon an abandoned ancient city. Their explorations underground causes something to stir from its slumber.

del Toro has been trying to develop the work for years and will now retool the script with co-writer Matthew Robbins. del Toro, Susan Montford and Don Murphy will produce. Pre-production will kick off shortly with filming to begin next Summer.

del Toro meanwhile has been talking up the other projects he's linked to with MTV. He says makeup tests on "Frankenstein" are about to get underway in a few weeks while all the talk of him doing a "Van Helsing" project is just online bullshit.
Chef de partie
Chef de partie

Nombre de messages : 2259
Age : 46
Localisation : Quelque part dans les Alpes
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008


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The Mountains of Madness Empty Re: The Mountains of Madness

Message par kern Ven 30 Juil 2010 - 14:52

Tu m'etonnes, c'est tres prometteur et une super idee d'adaptation The Mountains of Madness Icon_biggrin
2ème commis
2ème commis

Nombre de messages : 736
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2009


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The Mountains of Madness Empty Re: The Mountains of Madness

Message par DD Ven 30 Juil 2010 - 17:42

YEs, yes yes....and triple yes !!!
Big Boss
Big Boss

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The Mountains of Madness Empty Re: The Mountains of Madness

Message par vincepapaix Mar 8 Mar 2011 - 23:48

trop deg

Guillermo Del Toro's "At The Mountains Of Madness" Is Dead

I woke up this morning to some really fantastic news. A project that I have been anticipating for months, Guillermo Del Toro's adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness, had finally received the green light and would begin production in June with the director's chosen star, Tom Cruise, attached as the lead. But then everything began crashing down as quickly as it had been built up. Not only was the project not given the green light and Tom Cruise still unattached, but the director was being courted for another project right up his alley called Pacific Rim. If things didn't look bad before, allow me to deal one final blow: the dream is dead.

Criterion Cast shot Guillermo Del Toro an email today to confirm the earlier news that the project had been given the go-ahead by Universal. The director's response? "The opposite- Dead. – G." First announced last July, Del Toro and producer James Cameron have been battling the studio for months due to budget concerns. Universal was uncomfortable with the idea of making a $150 million epic horror film that would require $500 million in worldwide box office grosses in order to make a profit. While the studio has yet to comment, one can imagine that neither side was willing to budge on the price and the project was declared dead.

This. Really. Sucks. Through all of these months I've said that I couldn't imagine a better match than Del Toro and Lovecraft, and it's kind of crushing that it won't happen. The question that I'm left with is if this is truly the dead end of all dead ends. Is it possible to take it to a different studio? Could Cameron, and his billions and billions, finance it himself? I'd hate to imagine that we will never get to see Del Toro's vision. It's basically a crime.


bravo les studios! :P
Chef de cuisine
Chef de cuisine

Nombre de messages : 2495
Age : 38
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Date d'inscription : 13/06/2007


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